BBQ Tips

Know Your Grill
You need to know your grill like that person you’re crushing on and hoping to get a date with. Just like every crush is different, every grill is different. Read the grill manual. It will tell you how to turn on the grill, which is dangerous if you do it wrong. You don’t want to be that person who burnt off their eyebrows before they even got to making the food.

Use Metal Utensils, Not Plastic
Make sure you have metal utensils to use because plastic will melt. While you’re checking off the right preparations, always be sure you have enough gas or charcoal for the grill, and a cool drink might be nice too because it’ll get really hot by the grill.

Oil it up
Grills are like cooking pans (only a little). They cook things and need oil to keep food from sticking. Before you turn on the grill, lather up a paper towel with cooking oil and rub it all over the grate. If you already turned it on, then use tongs to hold the paper towel.